This summer has really been a test to me to see how I would enjoy being a ministers' wife. Brandon, interning at a large church, has been really busy and involved in activity after activity. I knew, moving down here, that he would be busy and this would be a good time to see how I am going to tolerate the ministry world.... well, I LOVE it. It's kind of hard to put into words how excited I am to be marrying a youth pastor. I feel like the Lord is going to work just as much through me as He will through Brandon. Sure, there will be some down-times with his work, just like any other career would have, but I love that he is going into a profession that I can be just as involved in as he is if I so desire!
5 years ago I would have never pictured myself as a ministers wife. In fact, I never pictured myself as anyone's wife... I wasn't think about the future. My mom never filled Jennifer's or my mind with thoughts of weddings or marriages - she was always encouraging us to be ourselves, work hard and learn as much as we could (and I am so thankful she raised us that way!). But now that I have entered this season of my life, I am beyond excited. I really feel like the Lord has prepared my heart for ministry. I, like many other people, have seen a handful of life-changing things happen in my family and I feel like these experiences have shaped me into the person I am. The Lord is going to use these past events in my life to help me minister to young women. Thank you, Lord, for molding me to be able to give back to Your people!
As pumped as I am about being Brandon's wifey - we are (or I am) getting stressed about the future. His internship ends in a month and a day.... and where are we going after that... hmm, good question. But wherever we go, I am so excited that it is him and I going there TOGETHER! Eek! I love him. And he has no idea that I'm writing about him on this (like he reads my blog! he doesn't even read my one-lined emails lol)! Which brings me to question - does anyone read this? Or am I just rambling? I mean, I could talk to a brick wall, so I suppose it would be completely normal for me to write this and no one respond lol.
Thank you for reading if you make it this far :)